

biotechnology projects and industrial research

NCNbio collaborates in many biotechnology and research projects at an industrial level, supporting its partners with a team of experts.


Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

Maria Luisa is co-founder and CEO of NCNbio.
Maria Luisa was the founder and former CEO of Areta International , a biotech company focused on the development and production of innovative biodrugs and advanced therapy medicinal products and she was the site manager of the company from 2000 to 2012.
Maria Luisa is also a co-founder of two university spin off, Hope and Skin Squared, respectively with the Milano University and Modena University.
Maria Luisa brought to all these companies her multi year experience in cell biology and immunology, matured as scientist and team leader in multinational companies of Dow Chemical as Dow Lepetit , Merrell Dow, Marion Merrell Dow e Hoechst Marion Roussel.
Maria Luisa (ex alumna of Collegio Ghislieri in Pavia), received her doctoral degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Pavia (1977).
She had a doctoral fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Istituto di Medicina del Lavoro, University of Pavia and at the International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics (CNR Naples.)

From 2008 Maria Luisa is member of the board of Assobiotec and delegate to Europabio board.
From June 2014 is member of the board of AFI (Associazione Farmaceutici dell’Industria) as representative of the biotech sector and AIRI (Associazione Italiana Ricerca Industriale) as expert of red biotech.From 2015 to 2018 Maria Luisa was the president of Women & Technology Association and today she is member of the Board.
In 2007 she received the “Premio Piazza Mercanti” from the Milan Chamber of Commerce.
In 2009 is one of the 100 profiles of the volume dedicated to Milan of “The protagonists: women who make Italy”.
In 2012 she received the “Premio “Rosa Camuna” from Regione Lombardia for innovative enterpreneuship.
She was professor at the University of Milano Bicocca (2001-2008) and Bari (2004-2011).
From February 2016 she is professor at Pavia University of Industrial Biochemistry.

From January 2017 she is member of the board of STEM Sel s.r.l. company.
From January 2019 she is member of the Patent and Intellectual property commission of the University of Milano.
From January 2020 she is member of the board of Tennis Club Lombardo Milano.
Maria Luisa is author and co-author of more than 60 publications and 11 patents.

Federica Nolli


Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

1981 Laurea in Economia Università di Pavia- Collegio Ghislieri (110/110 cum laude)
1981 Dottore Commercialista
1984 Revisore iscritto agli albi Consob ex DPR 136
1981-1987 Auditor c/o Ernst & Whinney
1995 Registro Revisori Legali

Dal 1988 Partner di F.P & Partners Management Consulting
Responsabile del Dipartimento Finanza e Controllo.
In questa funzione, nell’ambito di contratti di outsourcing amministrativo-finanziario:

  • CFO Sud-Europa Gruppo Multinazionale UK leader nel mercato prodotti in Gomma
  • CFO Multinazionale settore meccanico

2000-2012 CFO Areta International
2012 – oggi CFO e socio NCNBio


Presidente del Collegio Sindacale di:

  • Fiera Milano Spa
  • Fiera Milano Congressi Spa
  • Fiera Milano Media Spa
  • Ipack-Ima Spa
  • Mico Dmc Srl

Responsabile di progetti del Dipartimento finanza e controllo F.P & Partners:

  • ristrutturazione finanziaria di società multinazionali
  • gestione del patrimonio immobiliare e finanziario di un Gruppo multinazionale
  • operazioni straordinarie (Fusioni ed Acquisizioni) nell’ambito di Gruppi multinazionali
  • gestione di progetti immobiliari
  • implementazione di sistemi di digital management e financial control di società
  • due diligence e valutazione di aziende farmaceutiche.


Scientific Executive Assistant to the CEO & Communications

Laureata in Farmacia e abilitata alla professione presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, è da sempre impegnata nel settore della healthcare communications.
In questo ambito, ha maturato una ricca esperienza come consulente, nel coordinamento delle attività editoriali di testate web e carta stampata, nella moderazione di eventi e nella realizzazione di contenuti multicanale ed iniziative di formazione dirette a operatori sanitari.
È membro del Gruppo di Lavoro SIARV Dispositivi Medici e socia AFI Scientifica.