Maria Luisa Nolli: scientific rigor, passion and determination are the foundations of success Professor of the Industrial Bioch...
...THE JOURNEY CONTINUES IN THE ITALIAN CELL FACTORIES Advanced therapies are the most innovative tip of biotech drugs and are...
On Monday 13th September Maria Luisa Nolli, as Board Member of Italian Pharmaceutical Industry Association AFI – Working Group...
Our second seminar “THE QUALITY SYSTEM AS BACKBONE OF QUALITY OPERATIONS” held on 9 of June, registered a good consensus and a...
Yesterday our CEO Maria Luisa Nolli, board member of Italian Pharmaceutical Industry Association AFI - Working Group of Biological...
AFI sui vaccini Anti-Covid e anticorpi monoclonali, in cui autorità, esperti del settore, giornalisti e testimonial provenienti d...
This will be discussed at the online webinar and ECM training course “Dal laboratorio al paziente. Raccontare il viaggio delle T...
Maria Luisa Nolli, is attending the online workshop organized by 2i3T, business incubator of University of Turin. As member of the...
“Advanced Therapies Medicinal Products: The Revolution in medicine, from blockbusters to a personalized medicine. In this contex...
Maria Luisa Nolli is giving a lecture on “Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, a revolution in medecine” at Protein engineerin...